Men Reveal The Best Life Advice They’ve Ever Been Given

A Reddit thread where members of Reddit’s r/AskMen share “the best advice you’ve ever been given” is now trending. It has 16.2k upvotes and 6.1k comments.

Some of the responses are cliched. Others make you think. Others are genius.

Few would change your life, but quite a few will make you go “huh.”

Have at them, below.

“Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm,” the top comment reads. This was backed up by such remarks as: “We often burn ourselves out to provide for families even extended families” and “It’s a hellhole vicious cycle, and usually end up broken and void.”

Another smart remark was: “Motivation isn’t reliable, you need discipline.”

Further hard hitters included: “The worst lies are the ones you tell to yourself,” “Don’t waste your life doing something that you don’t want to do,” and “have the courage to be disliked.”

More intelligent responses talked about career (“figuring out what you DON’T want to do with your life is going to be more important than finding what you do want to do”), forward planning (“will this action/decision make future me happy or sad/angry?”) and neurotic introspection (“It’s not about you”).

 “No one thinks about you as much as you do”.

r/AskMen Reddit user

Another cracker showed you how to not have a boring life: “All things in moderation, including moderation.”

And then there were the uplifting remarks which might help you out in a crisis: “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”

“Insecurity shouts. Confidence is quiet.”

r/AskMen Reddit user

To finish, some of our other favourite comments encouraged men to check themselves before they wrecked themselves (“If it smells like shit everywhere you go, you might want to check your shoes”) keep other people’s mental health in mind (“every person you meet has an ocean of thoughts just like yours. Keep that in mind when judging others”) and be patient when cutting wood (“Measure twice, cut once”).

They were also recommended to “Never accept criticism from somebody who you wouldn’t ask for advice” and not to take advice “from people you don’t want to end up like.”

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